2008-11-07 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Fix bad merge master
2008-11-07 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Merge branch 'master' into mybranch mybranch
2008-11-07 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Send email. It does not work. Please, fix it!
2008-11-07 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Show all speakers in a talk when improving
2008-11-06 Lincoln de Sousarenaming another file (ugly name =)
2008-11-06 Lincoln de Sousarenaming a file to enforce name standards
2008-11-06 Lincoln de Sousaimprovements on talk improvement section
2008-11-06 Lincoln de Sousamoving the improve link to the main menu
2008-11-06 Lincoln de Sousaadding the subscription url
2008-11-06 Lincoln de Sousaadding a way to a normal user subscribe comment on...
2008-11-06 Lincoln de Sousaonly authenticated users can comment talks
2008-11-06 Lincoln de Sousaadding the __unicode__ method to Improve model
2008-11-06 Lincoln de SousaAdding the Improve model to the django admin
2008-11-05 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Ignore python byte-code files
2008-11-05 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Link to speakers when showing their names in improvemen...
2008-11-05 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Show some speaker details if person is not logged in...
2008-11-05 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Show speaker when improving a talk
2008-11-05 Thadeu Lima de Sou... Only forbid people to send comments not to view them
2008-11-05 Thadeu Lima de Sou... FIXME FIXME FIXME: Until there is another kind of user...
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Changes in eventos/
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added talk_improve template
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added improve template
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added 'Aprimorar trabalhos' link to participants and...
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added Improve Class in eventos/
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added url to call talk_improve method in eventos/
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Fixed url to call list_all_talks method in eventos...
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added url to call list_all_talks method in eventos...
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added method to list all talks in eventos/
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added pub_date field in Trabalho class (evetos/
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added DuracaoTrabalhoAdmin class in eventos/
2008-11-04 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added DuracaoTrabalho class and added new ForeignKey...
2008-10-24 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added ordering in speaks model
2008-10-24 Lincoln de Sousanow the talk can have more than one speaker and
2008-10-24 Lincoln de Sousaavoiding to show the talk detail to everyone but its...
2008-10-24 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Allowing viewing and editing of talk for a co-speaker
2008-10-23 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Changes in eventos/
2008-10-23 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Replaced class Admin with in Eventos
2008-10-23 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Replaced class Admin with in Contents
2008-10-23 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Replaced 'newforms' to 'forms' in eventos/
2008-10-23 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added ema.contents in INSTALLED_APPS
2008-10-23 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added admin autodiscover and updated admin url
2008-10-17 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Replaced 'Ver trabalhos' to 'Meus trabalhos' in templat...
2008-10-08 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Aterado o título do site
2008-10-08 Marcelo Jorge Viei... Added CSS class to required fields in media/css/geral.css
2008-10-08 Lincoln de Sousafixing another ridiculous bug =/
2008-10-08 Lincoln de Sousafixing a ridiculous bug =/
2008-10-08 Lincoln de Sousaadding a new feature, now you need to say which content
2008-10-08 Lincoln de Sousamaking an entry be available with its slug
2008-07-22 Lincoln de Sousaadding the content app 200807211156
2008-07-22 Lincoln de Sousaadding images to the new layout 200807211144
2008-07-22 Lincoln de Sousaadding the new layout proposed by Lucas
2008-07-13 Lincoln de Sousafixing the length of a field 200807131918
2008-07-13 Lincoln de Sousaadding the site foreign key in Evento entity, adding... 200807131914
2008-07-13 Lincoln de Sousadeleting some old files
2008-07-13 Lincoln de SousaReplacing the word lecturer by speaker (suggested by...
2008-07-12 Lincoln de Sousacolocando um layout tosco...
2008-07-08 Lincoln de Sousaunificating address in a single and big field (cascardo... 200807081126
2008-07-02 Lincoln de Sousaadding authors and copying files
2008-07-02 Lincoln de Sousamoving to to avoid
2008-07-02 Lincoln de Sousarestoring a unintentionally removed import =)
2008-07-02 Lincoln de Sousaimplementing lecturer registration feature
2008-07-01 Lincoln de Sousaadding a new field to maintain which is the owner of
2008-07-01 Lincoln de Sousaremoving an unecessary and buggy test...
2008-07-01 Lincoln de Sousapreventing unwanted users to see private info
2008-07-01 Lincoln de Sousasetting the owner of a talk when adding it
2008-07-01 Lincoln de Sousaimplementing personal info edit screen, talk list,
2008-07-01 Lincoln de Sousaadding main menu to the base template
2008-07-01 Lincoln de Sousaadding login/logout stuff
2008-07-01 Lincoln de Sousaadding diario urls
2008-07-01 Lincoln de SousaAdding diario stuff to this project
2008-07-01 Lincoln de SousaRevisando campos da entidade Palestrante e adicionando...
2008-06-30 Lincoln de SousaAdding the *eventos* app
2008-06-30 Lincoln de SousaStarting the ema project