/* * Device Tree Source for the Wheat board * * Copyright (C) 2016 Renesas Electronics Corporation * Copyright (C) 2016 Cogent Embedded, Inc. * * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any warranty of any * kind, whether express or implied. */ /dts-v1/; #include "r8a7792.dtsi" #include #include / { model = "Wheat"; compatible = "renesas,wheat", "renesas,r8a7792"; aliases { serial0 = &scif0; }; chosen { bootargs = "ignore_loglevel rw root=/dev/nfs ip=dhcp"; stdout-path = "serial0:115200n8"; }; memory@40000000 { device_type = "memory"; reg = <0 0x40000000 0 0x40000000>; }; d3_3v: regulator-3v3 { compatible = "regulator-fixed"; regulator-name = "D3.3V"; regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>; regulator-boot-on; regulator-always-on; }; ethernet@18000000 { compatible = "smsc,lan89218", "smsc,lan9115"; reg = <0 0x18000000 0 0x100>; phy-mode = "mii"; interrupt-parent = <&irqc>; interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; smsc,irq-push-pull; smsc,save-mac-address; reg-io-width = <4>; vddvario-supply = <&d3_3v>; vdd33a-supply = <&d3_3v>; pinctrl-0 = <&lan89218_pins>; pinctrl-names = "default"; }; keyboard { compatible = "gpio-keys"; key-a { linux,code = ; label = "SW2"; wakeup-source; debounce-interval = <20>; gpios = <&gpio3 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; key-b { linux,code = ; label = "SW3"; wakeup-source; debounce-interval = <20>; gpios = <&gpio11 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; }; vcc_sdhi0: regulator-vcc-sdhi0 { compatible = "regulator-fixed"; regulator-name = "SDHI0 Vcc"; regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>; gpio = <&gpio11 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; enable-active-high; }; }; &extal_clk { clock-frequency = <20000000>; }; &pfc { scif0_pins: scif0 { groups = "scif0_data"; function = "scif0"; }; lan89218_pins: lan89218 { intc { groups = "intc_irq0"; function = "intc"; }; lbsc { groups = "lbsc_ex_cs0"; function = "lbsc"; }; }; can0_pins: can0 { groups = "can0_data"; function = "can0"; }; can1_pins: can1 { groups = "can1_data"; function = "can1"; }; sdhi0_pins: sdhi0 { groups = "sdhi0_data4", "sdhi0_ctrl"; function = "sdhi0"; }; qspi_pins: qspi { groups = "qspi_ctrl", "qspi_data4"; function = "qspi"; }; }; &scif0 { pinctrl-0 = <&scif0_pins>; pinctrl-names = "default"; status = "okay"; }; &can0 { pinctrl-0 = <&can0_pins>; pinctrl-names = "default"; status = "okay"; }; &can1 { pinctrl-0 = <&can1_pins>; pinctrl-names = "default"; status = "okay"; }; &sdhi0 { pinctrl-0 = <&sdhi0_pins>; pinctrl-names = "default"; vmmc-supply = <&vcc_sdhi0>; cd-gpios = <&gpio11 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; status = "okay"; }; &qspi { pinctrl-0 = <&qspi_pins>; pinctrl-names = "default"; status = "okay"; flash@0 { compatible = "spansion,s25fl512s", "jedec,spi-nor"; reg = <0>; spi-max-frequency = <30000000>; spi-tx-bus-width = <4>; spi-rx-bus-width = <4>; spi-cpol; spi-cpha; m25p,fast-read; partitions { compatible = "fixed-partitions"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>; partition@0 { label = "loader"; reg = <0x00000000 0x00040000>; read-only; }; partition@40000 { label = "user"; reg = <0x00040000 0x00400000>; read-only; }; partition@440000 { label = "flash"; reg = <0x00440000 0x03bc0000>; }; }; }; };